Lipanj 08, 2024, 23:27:43 poslijepodneNajnoviji Član: Tomislav84


Dali imate cristal red kozice u svom akvariju, i koliko jih imate.

manje  od 10 kom
11 (26.8%)
više od 10 kom
8 (19.5%)
više od 50 kom
8 (19.5%)
imao sam jih ali su uginule
13 (31.7%)
imam jih ali se ne razmnožavaju
1 (2.4%)

Ukupno Glasova: 37

Autor Tema: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?  (Posjeta: 61340 vremena)

0 Članova i 1 Gost pregledava ovu temu.

Offline sasa67

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #25 u: Veljača 12, 2013, 17:34:30 poslijepodne »
kao i kod vas i kod mene slična situacija samo što sam s njima probao prije 10tak godina.
Nisam imao odmah pomor,što čudi jer je put trajao dugo,ali nako 6 7 mjeseci počele jedna za drugom razlog neznam.
Parametri vode ,učestalos mijenjanja uvijek isto.
Nakon tolikih godina imam u planu opet se okušati,samo je to preskup sport za učiti na svojim greškama,a uzgajivači ili oni kojima je to uspjelo zadržavaju stečena znanja ,ne prenose ih.
Mislim da nakon nekog vremena i njima treba malo soli u vodi,no kako kažem skupo je učiti na svojim greškama pa noktopus ako si spreman prodaj nam par fora kako ti uspijevaš s njima!
Koliko toga se može naučiti samo gledajući akvarij , nemjerljivo puno!

Offline noktopus

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #26 u: Veljača 12, 2013, 17:59:23 poslijepodne »
Možda sam več nekoliko puta naglasio, da ja uopšte ne komplikujem, i ni neznam kako se kreču moji parametri kot kozica jer znam da imam na pipi vodu kh 3-4 i verovatno je u tome sva tajna.
Ali ipak nekako takvo je stanje u mojih 12 akvarija za kozice ( jeste 12 a ni jedan nema preko 100l)

ph 6 - 6,5
kh izpod 2kh kad promenim vodu možda 3 ali uglavnom izpod 2 kh
pola vode promenim jednom na 7 dana - to je vrlo važno, jer kad ne promenim vode odmah se jim vidi, da nisu ovako živahne što bih morale bit.
podlaga od akadame
mat filter - modra spužva kroz cijelu stjenu akvarija 20 x 30 x 35 cm, filter i podlagu ne čistim nikad ( možda jednom na godinu malo saperem modru spužvu)
protok oko 2 dcl u minuti, to znači vrlo lagan, pomoču vazduha
prehrana: 60 % koprive - friške i zimi posušene, briketi koprive, hranim jih svaki dan, nego samo dvaput u 7 dana, ako što ostaje od prijašnjeg hranjebnja izvadim.
U svim akvarijama za kozice imam naseljene i ancistruse, ali samo male, dok ne narastu do nekih 3-4cm, onda postanu preagresivni kot hrane i kozice više nemogu do hrane zato jih izvadim i opet stavim sasvim male.

Uglavnom ništa ne komplikujem, i uvijek imam mladih, ali imam problem,da mi sporu rastu,i zimi kad je potražnja za njima veča nego ljeti mi jih uvijek fali, jer ne stigneju da narastu.

To je to nikakvih tajni, nikakvih caka, a verovatno mome uspehu kot uzgoja uveliko pomaže meka voda, jer naša voda doteče iz Pohorja i nema se gde obogatit sa mineralima zato je mekana i več u startu bogata huminskim tvarima jer teče kroz šumu, a večina ostalih voda je izvirskih - znači tvrdih.

Offline sasa67

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #27 u: Veljača 12, 2013, 19:08:47 poslijepodne »
da kad sam s njima radio vadio sam vodu s jednog izvora međutim i tu je bila kh 4 5 jer u našim krajevima voda prolazi kroz krš i vapnenačke stijene.
No ok i to je moguće postići ro vodom ili filtriranom kišnicom koju više preferiram,ali kako sam rekao nakon  5 6 mjeseci će me pomor opet očekivati no svejedno ponovno ću probati ,a od tebe samo tražiti da mi izabereš čim manje odnosno da su se nedavno okotile!
svoje red isto hranim koprivom sušenom doduše,a snjima su i galaxy pa i tu nešto hrane pokupe!
Hvala ti na brzom odgovoru! Čujemo se pp!
Koliko toga se može naučiti samo gledajući akvarij , nemjerljivo puno!

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #28 u: Veljača 12, 2013, 20:07:34 poslijepodne »
snjima su i galaxy pa i tu nešto hrane pokupe!

Hoćeš reći da sa kozama imaš mikre i ne diraju ih???Meni mikre redovito tjeraju koze da iskaču van akvarija,čak sam jednom vidio gdje gricka rep od odrasle kozice  -? .A što se tiče teme,nemam crystalke,jer mi se čini preskup sport,upravo kako su svi napisali zbog rikavanja nakon nekoliko mjeseci.Dosta se pisalo na forumu,čak je i noktpus pokazivao kako su mu složeni filteri,pisao je o načinu filtracije,mnogi su ih držali i onda gecrk,nesamo crs-ovi nego i druge vrste.Iskreno volio bi ih imati.

Offline noktopus

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #29 u: Veljača 12, 2013, 23:08:18 poslijepodne »
Da več puno smo pričali o cristal red kozicama, u ovoj temi , ali to je bilo prije dvije godine, i tada je nekoliko vas bilo oduševljeno sa kozicama koje sam vam slao, i onda se o tome nije više puno pričalo, jer ste svi po malo odustali od truda oko tih divnih kozica.

Prošle su dvije godine a kao što vidimo ni jednome nije uspjelo jih zadržet tako dugo.
Neznam kako da vam još pomognem, jer stvrno nemam nikakvih tajni,ako je keč samo u mekoj vodi to se može riješit  a drugo sasvim uredno radite, pa nije vrak, da nekome nebih uspjelo.

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Odg: Re: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #30 u: Veljača 13, 2013, 11:25:41 prijepodne »
@pravda- ja drzim malo jato galaxya sa kozicama i eto imam srece..bez problema..
No nemam vise kristalke vec Sakura i zelene babaulti.
Sakura kozice su me iznenadile..bas se nisam nadao da ce se toliko razmnozit..i da budem iskren..kad sam vidio male mislio sam da ce biti iste red cherry bome kako rastu dobivaju jaku crvenu boju.
Kad sam drzao kristalke,kad bi mi stigle doma ja sam ih sat vremena klimatizirao,voda u vrecici je bila 6.8 a u mom akvariju 6.5 katkad 7.
Uvijek sam ih uzimao po 5 pa 10 pa 5 (uvijek tako uzimam).
No eto..necu nikad saznat kad sam si glupan pobio 80% akvarija!(to sam ja!pazim pazim..i kad se najmanje nadas desi mi se nesto)

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Offline sasa67

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #31 u: Veljača 13, 2013, 12:10:26 poslijepodne »
ne galaxy su sasvim male i ne vjerujem da će natjeravat kozice po akvariju koje su poneka i veće od njih!
Sad zašto ribe s kozama uvijek sam tako radio pa i s kristalkama bih ponovno,razlog jednostavan ribe su mi mjerači parametra vode na njima jasno vidiš da nešto nije kakio valjam pa kreneš u popravak!
Jednostavno nemogu vjerovati da je voda samo uzrok pa uspijevali smo do sad i s organizmima kojima to nije uspjevalo i boljima od nas pa da nas neke koze toliko koče ne mogu vjerovat.
Dobro si noktopus potegao ovu temu ,vjerujem da znam i razlog ,ne mogu baš ni njeci lako do njih ,znači valja se ponovno poigrat s njima ,za oporemu nije problem stakla i tako skupljam čitav život jer toliko traje i akvaristika ,problem je u dobrim jedinkama.
Kako u singapuru to rade ljudi moji milijion akvarija i potok e da je kod nas tako no tu nema onog gušta čemu i služi akvaristika.
Niš biti ćemo u kontaktu pa da probamo ponovno ,mišljenja sam da nas više treba ići u to ali svatko s nekom drugom idejom jednom ćemo ih pogoditi sigurno!
Koliko toga se može naučiti samo gledajući akvarij , nemjerljivo puno!

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #32 u: Veljača 13, 2013, 20:06:36 poslijepodne »
Meni uredno mikre naganjaju odrasle koze,a pogotovo crvene dok ne iskoče van,ali opet vjerovatno ovisi o samim ribama da li će ih dirati,prošla tura mikri nije dirala koze,ove naganjaju stalno.

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #33 u: Veljača 19, 2013, 23:27:36 poslijepodne »
kad sam imao koze s mikrama mladih gotovo da nije bilo. kad sam premjestio ribe, a koze ostale same, iznenadio sam se kad sam ih u posve zanemarenom akvariju ugledao gomilu. Mikre su napadale koze samo na početku, kasnije više ne, ali očito da su lovile mlade ili smetale starima.

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #34 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 14:28:19 poslijepodne »
Evo da se pohvalim ja sam ponosan vlasnik novopristiglih crystalki ,voda sam ciklirao svega mjesec i sitno ,nemam čak ni akadamu a ni bilo kakvu podlogu ,več je cijelo dno prekriveno lava kamenjem obraslo mahovinom i ricciom,u planu mi je slaganje tog akvarija ,no za sad nek se priviknu živine,voda mi je strašno tvrda (žumberačko područje) pa sam pribjegao mješanju destilirane i vodovodne,spustio sam na kh 9 sa preko 15 a ph na 7.3 sa 7.8,aqua clear filter sa bio spužvom na usisu smanjen na minimum, daljne smanjivanje vode na parametre cca kh2-3 i ph oko 7 planiram dodavanjem večeg udjela destilirane pri izmjeni .
 Jedan zgodan podatak sam naišao na netu  da je strahovito co2 poguban za njih preko noći(visoka koncentracija-manjak kisika),zato mislim da diy sistemi ne klapaju za rad na non stop ! Ajde jedna caka(možda),drugo kamen za kozice se prodaje po svuda po e-bay,iz prethodnih postova o crs se može doći do zaključka da taj kamen diže ph i gh (otapanjem) ako se ne varam,tako da pada ona priča u vodu(bar po meni) da mora biti konstanta kod oko 6.5 do 6.8 a tvrdoča na minimumu,onda po tome voda bi se trebala mjenjati minimalno svaka dva dana amožda i dan da bi se održala konstanta,treče na nekim stranicama sam naišao na podatak da ljudi uspješno razmnažaju na 7ph do 7.2 ,istina ili ne-podatak koji se kosi sa svime,no evoluciski gledajući ama baš svaki organizam se može priviknuti na nove uvjete nakon izvjesnog vremena,dolutali organizmi u balastovima broda,ptice prenesu ikru na nogama,nebrojeno primjera da dalje ne nabrajam ,prije hrpu godina cca 30 bila je fama oko discusa pa nakon nekoliko godina upornosti i rada određenih entuzijasta su došli do rezultata,poanta svega je da svako može otvoreno reći svoje greške i napretke pa se svi možemo nadati smjernicama kako da možemo držati i razmnožavati crs ta divna mala stvorenja! :D

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #35 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 14:49:07 poslijepodne »
Ti si ih tek sad nabavio,i one sad zive u toj vodi,ali koliko i hoce li biti mladih,e to je veliki upitnik

Ali u svakom slucaju treba isprobavati i uciti na greskama

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #36 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 16:36:18 poslijepodne »
U doba kad sam ih ja htio nije bilo u uvozu,samo amano i wild-kontaktirajući razne uzgajivačnice -nitko nije slao za hrvatsku,sad je prošlo godina,vidim da ima etuzijasta,ali i odustalih,nevjerujem da su toliki bauk,u nečemu mora biti stvar,glavom kroz zid nemožemo,no ako ih uspješno razmnožavaju diljem svijeta,nismo mi ništa gluplji,znam da je to skupi sport ali netreba srljati sa količinama,kada sam imao zoo shop u najgore vrijeme poslije rata,otvorio sam ga nadobudno uz preporuke nekih ljudi,zelen naivan,naručio sam ribe u vrijednosti od nekoliko tisuča maraka,sticajem okolnosti,davno  plačene pumpe i grijaći te ro uređaj stigli su mi noč uoći dolaska riba iz singapura,rezultat je bio -pomor dvije trečine riba(srce mi se paralo svaku veče čisteći akvarije),teško je bilo vratiti se,no malo po malo,napunili su se akvariji,no opet sticajem okolnost(preskupi najam ,raznorazni troškovi ,nezainteresirana okolina-Jastrebarsko) ugasio sam dučan,da sam bio uporan tada,vjerovatno bi i dan danas poslovao,ali sa drugačijim pristupom,no kako bilo,svaka škola se plača,Igor..Malky..i ostali pokušali su i vjerujem da bi možda opet,ajmo svi na kup probe i pokušaje ,pa da vidimo! :)

Offline Tiii

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #37 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 16:51:50 poslijepodne »
Mislim da samo treba za pocetak uzeti nizi razred CRS,i sa tim poceti,u slucaju gubitaka steta je manja
Veliki je problem sto se te koze pokusavaju prviknuti na nasu tvrdu vodu,i to im ne odgovara,mislim da je najbolje oponasati parametre vode njihova prirodna stanista,i tu onda nebi bilo greske

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #38 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 17:15:56 poslijepodne »
Evo,krečemo od početka,stvarni parametri staništa,pošto su hibridi,od njihovih početaka,hibridi se mogu prilgođavati novoj vodenoj kvaliteti u kojoj su se izlegli,ispravite me ako griješim,možda je stvar da se nabave jedinke bumble bee od kojih se se dobivali Crs pa oni nisu tako zahtjevni ko Crs i krene od početka sa križanjem ili dobivanjem manje zahtjevnih Crs,lupam ko max po diviziji ali nema veze,no poanta je toga da se naša voda koja je tvrđa uz određene korekcije postane prihvatljivija za njih,najveći uzgajivaći su iz Malezije ,Singapura itd gdje se naša voda ne može mjeriti sa njihovom bez upotreba kemikalija ili ro koji možda izvuče neke stvari bitne za njih!

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #39 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 17:48:54 poslijepodne »
Sviđa mi se ovo, organizirano eksperimentiranje pa tko živ tko mrtav! :)

Ja sam za! :up: A prije ili kasnije ćemo se i mi uhodati s Cristal Red kozicama... ;)

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #40 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 18:01:33 poslijepodne »
To... :klap: svaki podatak je hvale vrijedan!

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Odg: Re: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #41 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 18:24:19 poslijepodne »
Nije ti to hibrid vec selektivni uzgoj!i naravno da nema crvenih u prirodi...samo crne.Prije dosta godina sam vidio snimak potoka u kojem se love...kamenito je.

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #42 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 18:39:14 poslijepodne »
Ok :up:,nije hibrid,moja pogreška pokušao sam ih smjestiti nekamo a nisam razmišljao,moja greška,kažeš kamenje,tj kamenito okruženje,znaći da je voda obogačena nekim mineralima koji obogačuju vodu koja im paše,drugi podatak koji nisam zapamtio sa koje stranice sam pročitao je da ishrana nije samo biljna,kozice i rakovi su strvinari po prirodi,blood worms se preporuča u ishrani.ima ga i u nekim mješavinama hrane!

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #43 u: Veljača 20, 2013, 19:09:51 poslijepodne »
imao 6 komada,jedna riknula pri transportu a ostalih 5 u roku mjesec dana
-Slavonija- :d032:-Istra-

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #44 u: Veljača 21, 2013, 12:48:34 poslijepodne »
Evo malo informacija

Tips and FAQ's

Ahhh, Monday morning, 8 clock and cheerful sit pupils in years 1 General education class for a customer woman Caridina shrimps and wait in joyful excitement to the start of the lesson ... Good morning children ...! - Good morning Mrs. teacher As you've probably already suspected, this is one of the most important and interesting sites in our portfolio and we are trying to keep the facts to constantly up to date. Does that mean that we here would like to draw on your comments and experience to expand this site to update and expand. So if you have tips and tricks up his sleeve that can be invaluable for like-minded people, then we would appreciate a quick e-mail to very pleased. We are happy to build it if necessary with your tip in this page ... Thanks ever! Learn more about problems and diseases you can find under " diseases and problems

Who has not? It provides a forum and a question ... "Has been asked once, please use the search function." ... Class!
So here highly compressed shrimp knowledge! blow by blow, which should of course be constantly added

First   Sand or gravel as a substrate?      21st   What to do with an egg-bearing shrimp?
Second   Is colored gravel harmful?   22nd   Ask the young adult animals after?
Third   New plants are in the shrimp pools dangerous?   23rd   Shrimps are cannibals?
4th   Anubia are toxic to shrimp?   24th   Feeding of young animals
5th   Mopaniwurzeln are harmful?   25th   Inbreeding in shrimp?
6th   Copper, lead, fertilizer, medicines and auger means   26th   Why lose the female egg?
7th   How many shrimp as initial population?   27th   Why does not survive the next generation?
8th   How many shrimp maximum?   28th   Snails, flatworms and other pests
9th   Shrimp in external filters?   29th   
10th   Junior in the internal filter?   30th   
11th   Shrimp that crawl out of the aquarium   31st   
12th   Shrimp in the community tank   32nd   
13th   Socialization with Saugwelsen   33rd   
14th   The thing with the leaves   34th   
15th   Water change and how often?   35th   
16th   Familiarization with new acquisition   36th   
17th   How keschert one shrimp?   37th   
18th   From pale to color after transplanting?   38th   
19th   Shedding with Shrimps   39th   
20th   The shrimp swim very 'excited' about   40th   

Sand or gravel as a substrate?

This is the Crystal's really care and thus a matter of taste. Yes, the shrimp burrow have loved the muck around that is to achieve better in sandy soil because it does not like gravel in the spaces falls, but first, they feed not only on creating come second, with their little arms in almost any space and thirdly there to evacuate even a pebble out of the way when under the smells of food. Besides, a variety of plants in a shrimp aquarium is almost compulsory and what interests a shrimp that looks forward to a large clump of Java moss life, what is underneath. Shrimp are by no means only bottom dwellers and usually you can see them on plants and grazing rumturnen with fondness the forming algae-growth. We recommend black gravel bottom, since a Crystal Red on a dark background looks much more colorful. On a light ground for shrimp and moors from very pale. When choosing for the right ground but please also FAQ # 3. up

Is colored gravel harmful?
There are suspicions that some or colored plastic-covered ground emits substances into the water (softener, etc.) that are lethal to shrimp. Some aquarists report on it, they'd be dead shrimp in the tank regularly. Following the suspicion that it might be up on the bottom, this was replaced with stone ground and apparently there were no other casualties. While this is not yet proven, but the evidence piling up. Who wants to have green or red ground, it will naturally have a hard time, but who like such as black sand or gravel, the recommended times to gaze at the hardware store. There, among other things, crushed stone or grout Split is offered, which is of course first and second unbeatable. Beware of play sand that is sometimes treated with disinfectants and get the shrimp either. But this should be declared on the packaging. It is still said that there are many shrimp farmers who also have no problem with colored gravel, and so we'll have to wait a little longer, until the suspicion relates to specific products. Regardless of which substrate is now used, it should first be thoroughly rinsed with water (except for products such as ADA-ground). top

New plants are in the shrimp pools dangerous?
Recently us an aquarist has reported his total loss of all the shrimp that died within 24 hours after introduce new plants from a pet shop. While we have no personal experience with this problem, but very often read that there are so many sufferers, who report similar. Plants are well-treated by the nursery with all kinds of chemicals to keep them snails and algae-free, fast growing etc. If you then as a newly purchased plant and delivered them right at home in the basin planted, she gives these substances from the water. Apparently, sometimes a lethal dose for our shrimp. It is recommended therefore urgently introduce newly purchased plants from the pool long irrigate at least one week in light. up

Anubia are toxic to shrimp?

The answer to this question is to the best of their knowledge and belief: We believe not. It has been discussed over and over again some aquarists persevere in the opinion that Anubia eg like the cut of the leaves of oxalic acid to the water and then this leads to the death of the shrimp. We have ourselves a basin with several Anubia and observe any problems, not even then, if we cut leaves. A friend has one of those little 25 l - pool and the only plant a huge Anubia. The tank has been running for over a year and kicking it around gymnastics Crystals. Apparently she is the little one, after the light has gone out, even as a love nest, for how could a stork can shove as much shrimp babies into the water. Our conclusion: We have our shrimp tanks where Anubia grow, observed no adverse effects and therefore can not confirm reports of other danger. up

Mopaniwurzeln are harmful?
There are increasing reports of aquarists who report (also called Savannah wood or iron wood) using Mopaniwurzeln about shrimp dying. Even once we have established a pool with these roots and it just do not get that feel comfortable the shrimp in it. They sat around mostly just apathetic and many have died. Only after half a year it got better. We were able to explain the long time since we have had all the tanks relatively similar set using other roots and it had never occurred to such problems. Then we heard a rumor that in Mopaniwurzeln, depending on their origin, possibly heavy metals should be stored and then release the water back. Perhaps it is also due to the sandblasting of the roots are subjected to ... We do not know yet and it remains more than a rumor first. In any case, since we do not at Mopani, better safe than sorry. Moorkienwurzel or mangrove root, we use the way without any problems. up

Copper, lead, fertilizer, medicines and auger means
Since Crystal Red Shrimps like all invertebrates are very sensitive to any type of heavy metals, it is advisable for imminent water change the water that has been standing for a while in the line to drain until some time to properly before it comes to use. At least for those who have copper or lead plumbing in the house. Some heaters can when not planning to leave the copper in it standing water. On the use of drugs and chemicals should be worm when dispensed entirely possible, since much of it is lethal to shrimp. The material in the form of trace elements copper in normal organic fertilizers is generally safe when used correctly. But we recommend to start with half the dose and see the animals well. up

How many shrimp as initial population?
shrimp are group animals, and should therefore be kept in a small group of at least five animals. The well-being of the shrimp is highly dependent on the total number of animals kept. The more, the better they feel. For example, a species tank 54 l we would 10-20 Animals as initial population as a recommended value. up

How many shrimp maximum?

A not very easy question to answer, because we have no information on how it looks in the natural environment of the animals, and which population density can prevail there. With an increasing number of pets but it reduces the prospect of young and the animals grow more slowly. Possibly this is because the animals can not find enough food, the stress to the animals is too big or a natural process attempts to regulate the crop load. In our opinion, the upper limit for such species are a 54 liter tanks, depending on planting at about 100 animals. up

Shrimp in external filters

You just take one of these as a suction tube and drilled pure green of holes, then invaginates to a filter sponge for airlift filter over it and ready. In a 400 gallon tank with us, we have three of these sponges over each other and you have only about once every three months to clean up. In some of our 54 gallon tank is only a sponge and you need only clean every quarter. The small shrimp are not drawn without such a sponge, but that they have not even because they crawl in and by itself when once inside, they do not come by themselves out more. up

Junior interior filter
is what you need to prevent at larger internal filters, because there they can crawl purely peaceful. They have no problem coming back from alone out there, although we doubt that they also want this because it is for small shrimp a joy to sit on a filter sponge and it 'lick'. Only drawback, they can not see you there. But in general there is a risk, because it does not come through the white fleece. With the small internal filters, it is recommended to replace the existing coarse filter sponge by a fine. In order to get a bit of craftsmanship tinkering around but often not because it is the filter cartridges usually are not with fine structure. up

Shrimp that crawl out of the aquarium

Shrimp does not voluntarily 'shore'. They do so only out of necessity Please carefully for conditions in the tank where the shrimp feel comfortable, then you will also even from an open basin never crawl out. Who is watching, then, that his shrimp ausbüxen want and fixes the problem with plug up holes declared himself to Gefangnisswärter ... Better is definitely causes, such as water levels, predators, etc. up

Shrimp in a community tank
shrimp may well also be suitable for many community tanks. With fish of the same size are not too busy and not reproduce the shrimp, there are no problems. Even the young comes in a well-covered pool through largely. Otherwise it may look like with Barschartigen. Here, it can happen that one of his shrimp not too much to get face as the animals back through the plots of the fish and very hidden life. The opinions and observations, go here but differ sharply. There are many who hold shrimp with perch together and complain no losses or to observe abnormalities. Apparently can not make a blanket statement. up

Socialization with Saugwelsen
In the company of Saugwelsen, or armor catfish should be Shrimps at ease. It is assumed that the shrimp. The feces of the animals search for something to eat (similar to filter sludge or sludge) and find suitable food Attempts in this regard, we have taken yet because some catfish over the years but can be quite large. Mostly we do not consider ear grating catfishes of the genus Otocinclus in the pool ... When compared to pools without catfish but so far we could not detect any significant differences. A danger, for example for young shrimp goes, anyway by the catfish is not. up

The thing with the leaves

Often we read the (beech or oak) leaves should help each well may occur Prey ... If so, can not even say with certainty again. However, experience shows that a bunch of moldy leaves (short scalded because of the germs!) Is a feast of joy for our pets is. With great enthusiasm, they pounce on it and sift through everything in detail for something to eat. The decomposing leaves are eaten with time until only the stalks are left. You may enter the leaves and humic acid to the water, which contributes to the well-being of children. Anyway, we in all our pools foliage. Is best to use moldy leaves from a clean river, or collects in the forest a few leaves from the ground. After a few days soaking get under the sheets. Freshly picked leaves are not suitable ... up

Water change and how often?
water change should be done regularly, that is clear. For shrimp aquarium is, more often prefer a smaller amount than 50% every two weeks. Very good experiences we have had, if we every five to seven days, led by about 30% water change with temperature tap water. After the water change, the animals are often particularly agile (pairing swimming). Always check the water run a bit out of the line to allow any overnight in water dissolved copper from entering the pool. In households with water heaters, copper or lead pipes, a not insignificant aspect because respond shrimp, as mentioned above, are very sensitive to the slightest traces of these heavy metals. Depending on the concentration of pollutants, unfortunately mostly with death! up

Eigewöhnung new purchases
If you have the new residents at home at last, they would of course as soon as possible to admire the aquarium. Very understandable, but we strongly recommend with the familiarization with the new water to take some time. The hormone balance of a prawn is very complex and without here now with foreign words like 'osmotic pressure' or 'conductance' throwing around That said, the simple push of pure animals in the basin has been a source of total losses. The hardest part of the acclimation is certainly ignore the devil on his shoulder, that. A constantly whispering "it'll be all right, so pure," everything else is easy Just the bag of shrimp and the water in a bucket and then every 10 minutes a sip of water to the aquarium. Or all drips with a small hose and tap it. After 2 - 3 hours, the double or triple the amount of water in his bucket as. Then you can nets and the kids to the aquarium set. up

How keschert one shrimp?

Actually shrimp are not particularly shy, until the date on which the net is just in front of them. Once or twice they shrug and you could not even see where they are cut off. The best Verdrücker are the green dwarf shrimp that beat violent somersaults and often leave nothing but a stupid face when aquarists. Crystal Red are more easily, the solution is: be careful. Closer you slow the shrimp and you will see, they will crawl all by itself in the net, because they're super curious, even more curious than women: o) Then only slowly to the water surface and that's it. Any sudden movement brought you failure, because they are definitely faster and already it remains empty net. up

From pale to color after transplanting?
There is indeed one or another type that wants the Crystal Red grow properly and will therefore select the pale and not as beautiful or patterned animals. If he will implement it in another basin, it is possible the next day for a surprise. The almost transparent Crawler yesterday are suddenly beautifully colored and one is almost inclined to reset it again. Some remain very pale and can not be changed or want. The reason for this fact is not known to us and it can only be speculated. We could imagine that the population density or the ratio of males and females, which varies so safe in another basin, lies. Perhaps we are therefore also totally wrong. The colors, however, depends obviously very entscheident on the comfort factor of the shrimp, but must allow the genetic predisposition, a blaze of color ... up

Shedding with dwarf shrimp
hides the Crystal Red Shrimp's how to do all your life, after hatching, however, very often, and at the age then every few weeks, as they grow then barely. Crystal young babies are very sensitive, however, and we were able to watch us start by saying that they grew very slowly, and when they shed their skin then wanted, they got the old skin is not detached from the legs and arms and died. Strangely, it is different now, and they grow very quickly. In adult Crystals is the molting process as follows:


The shrimp is sluggish and usually seeks a place in a plant root or near the surface of the water is still not clear to us why, in front of others so that they may rest their shrimp has). Then she turns pale, and their flesh is milky. To approach other animals she is extremely sensitive and is looking immediately for another place. She often sits there motionless for several hours and does not look healthy. This time the body needs to prepare for the molting and the visual change alone shows what a great effort for the whole shrimp. Everything happened very quickly, it curves several times and it looks as if she had abdominal pain, then behind his head at a breaking point burst onto the skin and the shrimp slips out, it looks like someone is tormented in a tight sweater. Then they pumped in water to stretch the new skin, it is still stretched and stretched a few times, then it is fit again and you can also view it properly. The old skin please do not take out of the pool, they will be eaten within a few days of the shrimp and contains a lot of useful substances. up

The shrimp swim very excited about
Nothing to worry about ... The females give when they 'can conceive' are, after skinning, attractants or pheromones into the water, which cause the male to 'upset' in the pelvis after the females look for. This often degenerates into a common 'pairing swimming' from, which involves almost all animals. The males are then behind everything here, which looks only for females ... just like in real life! Sometimes this pairing swimming is induced by the change of water. The fresh water stimulates the shrimp to molt and thus often also to reproduce. up

What to do with an egg-bearing shrimp?

When one first sees a female carries the eggs, the pleasure is usually big and make it often immediately receive a frantic reactions. Unfortunately, some aquarists nets out the female to let it give birth in a separate bowl. We think this is a mistake, because even if the breeding tank is already entered eternal, it can cause the female rejecting the eggs, or even skinned, with all the eggs then go to lost and then moldy. It is best to just let the female in the basin in which it lives. If you want to arise due to expected losses from predators, a well tried spawning box, which may be changed but must be easily recommended. Left and right, many holes drilled, glued in front of a network and you're ready for the incubator. The often large grid in the spawning box can be sealed with a foil. The whole then populate with enough java moss and the small ones can. up

Ask the young adult animals after?
No, they do not. However, if a small or dies with the molt has problems and begin to smell after 'food', then they all fall on it, but a healthy little one is completely ignored. No Danger to top

Shrimps are cannibals?
Here is the same as in the previous point. Only a weak or dead animal is interesting as food for the group. Vereinzelnt we observed that an obviously weakened, but still living animal, 'chewed' by individual group members. Not a pretty sight and you should deliver in such a case the shrimp. up

Feeding of young animals
, the small crystals do not have to be fed, for in an aquarium retracted the land of plenty for it already exists. We recommend Java moss, which is the icing on the cake, so to speak, and there are the little ones to be found too often. It is simply the perfect nursery. up

Inbreeding in shrimp?
This theme divorced again the spirits ... Some say, "can not be good" and the other saying, "Never mind." Both Parties may also submit any evidence to support their theory. So, we can only tell our opinion, because we do not have evidence in your pocket and let us therefore also like to teach a lesson ... We believe inbreeding plays shrimp not such a big role, such as in the higher mammals. The main reason we believe is that there are many invertebrate species, which does not even need a partner to reproduce, but can reproduce itself as a so-called hybrid. Those with a different opinion of course, will argue that the generally accepted as the sensitive Crystal Red Shrimp is so sensitive only because she just a 'matriarch' descended and was paired safely constantly in the first time with family members. The problems of inbreeding are indeed known that the genetic diversity is lost and thus the animals are as susceptible to pathogens, it comes to birth defects, etc. We can confirm, though, that the Crystal Red is really sensitive than eg the 'wild' Bee. Also of recurrent abnormalities in any way we have never heard. Our shrimp strain comes from different sources and we are confident in the future of exchanges rumschleichen to strike at pretty animals ... but mainly because of coloring and patterning. Once we have other skills, we will of course make known immediately ... top

Why lose the female egg?
Sometimes the eggs are dropped from the females one by one, or it comes to premature molting, where they will eventually lose them all at once. The reason for this may be infertile eggs. May be due to pheromones of other shrimp species, which are considered together with Crystals, overlaid their own 'pheromone messages' of the females, so the males are ready to mate the female and the eggs can not therefore remain unfertilized. The eggs will lose apparently more common in association with Red Fire (Cherry) shrimp. Quite possibly dominate Art .. of course this is all just a guess from us and not scientifically proven. Problems with which the female can not cope so simple, such as constant attacks by roommate, false water levels, or large water change, etc (50% or more) could be a cause. It's even in the normal case to losses of individual eggs, as some lose their footing, but 3/4 the number should remain at least at the females, otherwise something is wrong. up

Why does not survive the next generation?

There may of course be a number of reasons and we had so our concerns with their children. When the number of hatched juveniles compared with those who really come through, so one could sometimes really shoot the tears in his eyes. Excluding food and predators problems once we had found in experiments with spawning boxes that the juveniles had problems with shedding and the stock within the first two weeks, halved, to a total loss. We now know that the young animals need food ideal conditions just to be able to molt successfully. When we were in Japan and talked to several breeders there, we now use Shirakuras ground and be Aufzuchtfutter Chi Ebi. Since then, nearly all hatched young are highly developed and is thriving. upwards

Snails, flatworms and other pests

These little animals are sometimes even suspected of having something to do with problems in young shrimp. That they might harm this or eat it cooked. We have thought of that, as it with us in the beginning a lot more egg-bearing females were young and later as, for example, bladder snails increased rapidly at this time. Many of these 'pests' we are still some in our pool and we do not even know what it is for that, look as if they came from another planet, but now is the number of "pregnancy" in good proportion to the young and we have never been able to observe that a Junggarnele only came under pressure. In planarians, things look different, we once had a pool with those who have such an arrow head where they had significant problems with the Crystal offspring. We believe that the planarians were involved and if you have watched the shrimp went to work over a carcass, it was one the creeps. Has helped Flubenol which is to get the vet. 0.2 grams per 100 liters and after a short time there was silence. For safety, after 2 - 3 weeks, repeat the treatment as Flubenol can harm the unhatched planarians. But beware, Flubenol also kills many species of snails. up

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #45 u: Veljača 21, 2013, 13:11:36 poslijepodne »
ovo je stara informacija a kad si vec stavljao cijeli tekst onda si ga ili mogao prevesti ili samo stavit link na ovaj tekst

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #46 u: Veljača 21, 2013, 13:13:50 poslijepodne »
Mislim da samo treba za pocetak uzeti nizi razred CRS,i sa tim poceti,u slucaju gubitaka steta je manja
Veliki je problem sto se te koze pokusavaju prviknuti na nasu tvrdu vodu,i to im ne odgovara,mislim da je najbolje oponasati parametre vode njihova prirodna stanista,i tu onda nebi bilo greske

imao ro vodu kod njih, ma imao idealne parametre i pocele se mnozit, stale, pa pocele krepavat a ostatak sam odmah rijesio dalje

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #47 u: Veljača 21, 2013, 13:41:04 poslijepodne »
Jesi se mozda opustio kad si vidio da su se krenule razmnozavati,poceo vise hraniti,mora biti neki razlog,ako se razmnozavaju onda je sve odlicno,ali ako krepaju onda nesto nevalja,e sad ta to nevalja to je opet upitnik

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #48 u: Veljača 21, 2013, 13:45:36 poslijepodne »
Sorry zbog linka,mislio sam da je ovako lakše,nisam vidio neke informacije na a. netu pa sam htio podjeliti,no kako bilo pitanje za tebe Malky,dali su malci krepavali ili svi za redom ,i stari i mladi?

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« Zadnja izmjena: Veljača 21, 2013, 13:49:29 poslijepodne od tbilly »

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Odg: Koliko vas ima cridstal red kozice ?
« Odgovori #49 u: Veljača 21, 2013, 13:47:34 poslijepodne »
Jesi se mozda opustio kad si vidio da su se krenule razmnozavati,poceo vise hraniti,mora biti neki razlog,ako se razmnozavaju onda je sve odlicno,ali ako krepaju onda nesto nevalja,e sad ta to nevalja to je opet upitnik
ja sam isprobao sve zivo!
od hrane, vode, minaralnih kamena, feromona!
događalo mi se isto ko i malkiju, uspijes dobiti 50 malaca, radiš sve isto i onda u 2 tjedan iz nepoznatih razloga svi riknu!
spusio sam love i love i na kraju odustao od toga, nema smisla!
tj. ima smisla ako imas kojih 10 000 kuna viška na zajebanciju i isprobavanjem :D :D :D