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Pozdrav,dobio sam testove Kak uopce moraju biti?
Manual Removal - very carefully grab the bubble algae towards the base and use a gentle pulling and twisting motion to free it from the rock without breaking the bubble. Ventricaria ventricosa feels like large rubber marbles and they can burst thereby releasing thousands of new bubble algae cells into your tank. If they've already burst remove the bubble sack anyway. Don't let them get too big or you run the risk of them releasing the spores before you can remove them. Keep the upper hand here.
Koralji se nesmiju ispirati po slatkom vodom?
Negdje sam čitao da izvadim taj cjeli kamen vani i da skalpelom odrežem te balončiće. Jeli to najbolje rješenje?
Kaj onda je najbolje kad uzmem veći akvarij da ovo kamenje ni ne prebacujem u njega?.
Citat: Klanjo - Rujan 06, 2010, 09:34:33 prijepodneKaj onda je najbolje kad uzmem veći akvarij da ovo kamenje ni ne prebacujem u njega?.Meni je tang pojeo sve te bubble alge.Mozes slobodno prebacit i kamenje, jer ti se moze desit da ih dobijes i s necijim fragom