Nisam imao takva iskustva pa ti nemogu puno pomoći.
Mogu ti samo natuknuti zbog čega ti se to dogodilo pa ćeš možda shvatiti zašto su ti svi prije govorili da ti akvarij nije baš u najboljem stanju.
Evo izvatka iz literature:
There is little doubt that fish exposed to lowered water quality , and in particular the stress of elevated Ammonia /Nitrite levels such as are brought about in shipping, can induce an outbreak of this parasite. All the literature seems to confirm this.
A što se lječenja tiče ovo si vjerojatno već pročitao:
1) Giving a "dip" in freshwater of the same temperature & pH as the Marine tank, for about 15 minutes (careful observation must be made, during this time, to avoid distress, & the fish removed, if major problem is observed).
2) Giving a bath in Sea water with Formalin added at a dosage of 1000 ppm for some 15 minutes.
3) Adding an product Acriflavine(such as Fish-Vet's Revive) to the tank water for a period of 2 weeks after the above treatments.
4) Taking severe steps to ensure that water quality is optimum along with the TOTAL removal of any detritus.
Acriflavine probaj potražiti u apoteci.