kao što sam vec pisao da mi jedan klaun ima kvrge po repu i kod škrgi
dobra je vjest da mu se to totalno ispuhalo tj sad je ful malo na repu je i nestalo ali mi je drugi
klaunćek obolio od iste stvari tj ima jednu kvrgu to izgleda kao neka bradavica bjele boje.
voda je ok,koralji su otvoreni i anemona mi je ok.
nasao sam na netu: Viruses:
Viral infections are caused by particles that by some definitions are non-living. Virus organisms are only able to metabolically function and reproduce as parasites; using the cellular machinery of their hosts.
Lymphocystis is a viral disease that looks like white to grayish cauliflower-like clumps, typically at the base of fish fins. It's origins, "cures" and spontaneous remission are somewhat mysterious. The condition may just "show up" even in meticulously clean systems.
Is a viral disease that looks like white to grayish cauliflower-like clumps, typically at the base of fish fins. It's origins, "cures" and spontaneous remission are somewhat mysterious. The condition may just "show up" even in meticulously clean systems.
By itself, lymphocystis is rarely a damaging or fatal problem. In most cases it "cures" itself by disappearing on the individuals it has "shown up" on in a month or two of it's appearing.
Some authors suggest chemical treatments, biological cleaners, removing the clumpish growths from the fish by scraping with your fingers, even the use of the anti-viral compound Acyclovir. I would suggest isolating "infected" specimens and let them self-correct.
tako da sumnjam u to sad si razmišljAM MICATI to ili ne ali si mislim ipak da cu ju ostaviti jer stalih 5 riba je ok
znači vjerujem da kaći samo klaune?
jer se virusi mogu širiti s jedne vrste riba na drugu(one sheme genetski kod itd kao i kod ptičije gripe)
ima li tko kakvih iskustava ili ideja?