Hello Sasa,
sorry, if I disappoint you, but this are not Labrochromis ishmaeli, but Haplochromis sp. "Red Tail"/"Thick Skin" (old name ch44).
L. ishmaeli is a very rare cichlid, that extincted in the wild and its population in Europe is critically small. The chance to become this fish in "common" fishstores ist aprox. 0 
Tnx for the info Stan

..now I have to translate in case somebody doesn't speak eng..like Sasha for example

Daklem, zdravo Sale, žao mi je što ću te razočarati , ali ovo nisu H.ishmaeli, nego -ovokajpiše-
Ishmaeli je jako rijetki ciklid, izumro u prirodi i populacija u Europi mu je kritično mala.Šansa da se ova riba nađe u dućanima je 0