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Teraristika => Literatura => Autor teme: poseidon80 - Siječanj 17, 2012, 11:31:54 prijepodne

Naslov: Literatura razna
Autor: poseidon80 - Siječanj 17, 2012, 11:31:54 prijepodne
Ako netko od kolega treba neku od navedenih knjiga  nek se javi na pp  :up:

Encyclopedia of entomology
Encyclopedia of insects
Encyclopedia of terarium
Entomology third edition-Gillot
Exploring the world of reptiles&amphibians
Infectious Diseases and Pathology of reptiles
Insects of Britain and Western Europe
Reptile medicine and surgery-Mader
The ecology & behavious of amphibians-Kentwood D.Wells
Urban insects & arachnids
Venemous snakes- Envenoming therapy
The reptiles of northern euroasia-
Naslov: Odg: Literatura razna
Autor: kjosip - Veljača 26, 2012, 18:30:34 poslijepodne
Mozes li mi preporuciti neku literaturu o gekonima za pocetnike
Naslov: Odg: Literatura razna
Autor: Crochondro - Kolovoz 22, 2012, 01:22:55 prijepodne
Da li su ove tvoje knjige u pdf-u ili originali, knjige u koricama? ;)